public loan in the PONS Dictionary

Translations for public loan in the English»Bulgarian Dictionary

1. loan FIN:

(interest-)free [or soft], loan
(interest-)free [or soft], loan

1. public admin, ECON:

2. public LAW:

II.public [ˈpʌblɪk] N no pl, + sing/pl vb

Monolingual examples (not verified by PONS Editors)

Over 43 per cent of students use public loans provided by government.
Public opinion preferred his 72-million-livres public loan to the "ferme gnrale", an outsourced tax collection system.
One advantage they have over public loans is that they can typically be refinanced when interest rates are lower.
Now the collection has become available for public loans at the two institutions.
When they complained he chose to change his policies and attempted to raise money by public loans.
He also extended existing aid such as public loan guarantees and the possibility of postponing loan repayments.
Most students who borrow do so with public loans.
The action would be funded by a 100,000 public loan.
They also are not eligible for the income-based repayment program and can't be consolidated as public loans can be.
The store's collection of more than 35,000 titles will be kept intact and will be available for public loan.

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