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reading <a reading; readings> N

reading SCHOOL
reading SCHOOL
reading SCHOOL
reading SCHOOL
reading SCHOOL
reading SCHOOL

accurate reading ELEC

backward reading PSYCH

compass reading

instrument reading

lip reading (speech reading)

lips reading SCHOOL

map reading

reading comprehension

reading error

reading indicator N COMPUT

reading lens

Reading List N COMPUT

reading microscope OPTICS

reading order N COMPUT

Monolingual examples (not verified by PONS Editors)

Classes in code, blinker, the actual reading of panels from the air, and first aid continued during the month, increasing the proficiency of the pilots in these subjects.
A reception area adjoins the reading room, in which visitors can access information on current and past exhibitions.
The document was handed to staff and marked for immediate destruction after reading, but a horrified whistle- blower smuggled a copy out of the now-closed school.
Manually setting a camera to expose the film properly takes two steps, even after taking a light meter reading.
He was a thinker passionate about history; widely reading the writers that were associated with the period of decadent.
Either the messages can not be read (i.e., decrypted) or someone else (with the lost grille) may be reading them.
These include including storytellers, authors-in-residence, art enrichment, literacy and reading programs, social skills programs, and other multi-cultural programs.
In this simple statement he was highlighting the dislocation of orientation and any possibility of a singular reading; a common resultant of the post-structuralist project.
Unable to hear the lessons, she'd had to copy out her classmates' notes and do extra reading to make up for the barriers she faced.
The latest issues of the 75 journals and magazines which the museum subscribes to can be read in the library's reading room.

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