
Conjugate verbs more easily

Conjugation tables by PONS

Lost in the verb form jungle? Then you have found the right remedy: the PONS verb tables. We can help you to always find the right form. There are conjugation patterns for over 46,000 verbs, that tell you if you have got the correct ending for your verb. We presently have conjugation tables for the languages German, English, French, Spanish and Latin. Take a look at them and become a conjugation pro!

German verbs

Úmfahren oder umfáhren? Separate or joined up? Perfect forms with sein or haben? Just click through the approximately 11,600 German verb tables to check if you have the right form and pattern. Start your search now!

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English verbs

Can you can a can as a canner can can a can? Sometimes English verbs are no child's play … If in doubt about which form belongs to which verb and what its meaning is, check our approximately 13,000 English verb tables. You can find all the info you need at a glance.

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French verbs

Êtes, étiez oder fûtes? Aurez? Or even serez? The verb être is an example for grammatical capers in French. How should one know what's going on? The answer is easy: In our approximately 5,000 French verb tables you can find all the forms and their names at one glance - for different conjugation patterns, too. Look them up now!

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Spanish verbs

What does Indefinido mean again? And what about Subjuntivo? These typically Spanish forms don't just cause you problems. Take a look at our approximately 11,000 Spanish verb tables. All the forms of a verb are together on one page - including their peculiar names.

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Latin verbs

Errare humanum est! Our approximately 5,000 Latin conjugation patterns should help you on the right path if you are confused and don't know if the form you are looking for belongs to vivere or videre. Just enter the verb or verb form and scroll through the table. Then you'll get the answer.

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