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You are viewing results spelled similarly: comely , comply , comedy , comfy , comet , enmity , coming , comic and commit

I . com·ic [ˈkɒmɪk] N

1. comic (magazine):

2. comic (amateur comedian):

3. comic (professional comedian):

komik(komičarka) m (f)

II . com·ic [ˈkɒmɪk] ADJ

II . com·ing [ˈkʌmɪŋ] N

1. coming no pl (arrival):

prihod m

2. coming (approaching):

com·et [ˈkɒmɪt] N

com·fy [ˈkʌm(p)fi] ADJ inf

com·edy [ˈkɒmədi] N

Monolingual examples (not verified by PONS Editors)

The replica was later offered to the chairman of the comity of the feasts.
Part of the presumption of comity is that other jurisdictions will reciprocate the courtesy shown to them.
He became a member of the administrative comity of this theatre in 1801.
Certainly a sign of the good comity that prevails among the local citizenry, whatever their faith, then and now.
Whether recognition will be given is determined by the lex fori, i.e. the domestic law of the court where recognition is sought, and the principles of comity.
If comity and finality did not compel any time limitation at all, it follows "a fortiori" that they do not compel making a legislatively created, forfeitable time limitation nonforfeitable.
Further, he rejected the idea that comity must be applied.
In the context of professional licensure, comity refers to one jurisdiction granting credit for experience earned and exams passed in a different jurisdiction.
Foreign judgments may be recognized either unilaterally or based on principles of comity, i.e. mutual deference between courts in different countries.
Comity is centrally important in questions of extradition between legal jurisdictions.

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