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Translations for dread in the English » Slovenian Dictionary

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I . dread [dred] VB trans to dread sth

II . dread [dred] N no pl

III . dread [dred] ADJ liter

Usage examples with dread

to fill sb with dread
to live in dread of sth
I dread to think what would happen if ...

Monolingual examples (not verified by PONS Editors)

It's nostalgic, with a sense of future dread.
To fit herself to other peoples sights, she lost weight and had dread of gaining weight.
Similarly, anxiety may range from restlessness to more intense panic and dread.
The dread of these events lies like a fog over the album.
He was a very pious and energetic missionary, but dreaded the office of superior.
Wool dreads give a similar look to real dreads and are very soft.
Members of the cybergoth subculture also often wear blatantly artificial synthetic dreads or dreadfalls made of synthetic hair, fabric or plastic tubing.
Even so, she is not especially mature, still lives with her parents and dreads measuring day.
It roams through all temperate and tropical seas, and everywhere is an object of dread.
To his parent's dread, the prince did not have a promising start.

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