English » Slovenian

ˈpost·box N esp Brit Aus

ˈpost·code N Brit Aus

post·pone [pəʊs(t)ˈpəʊn] VB trans

post·al [ˈpəʊstəl] ADJ attr

post·er [ˈpəʊstəʳ] N

1. poster (advertisement):

2. poster (large picture):

poster m

post·age [ˈpəʊstɪʤ] N no pl

ˈpost·bag N Brit

2. postbag (bag):

pos·tern [ˈpɒstən] N old

I . pos·ture [ˈpɒstʃəʳ] N

1. posture:

poza f

2. posture no pl (attitude):

drža f do

II . pos·ture [ˈpɒstʃəʳ] VB intr pej

post·ing [ˈpəʊstɪŋ] N esp Brit

1. posting (appointment to job):

posting MIL

2. posting (location):

mesto n

ˈpost·man N

I . post [pəʊst] N

2. post (position):

mesto n

3. post Brit (post office, mail):

pošta f

4. post (in a race):

5. post inf (goalpost):

6. post MIL (military base):

II . post [pəʊst] VB trans

1. post (send):

3. post (assign to position):

out·ˈdo <-did, -done> VB trans

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