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Translations for bill of exchange in the English » Slovenian Dictionary

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Translations for bill of exchange in the Slovenian » English Dictionary

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Monolingual examples (not verified by PONS Editors)

The building block of the acceptance loan was an instrument known as the bill of exchange ultimately a contract to pay a fixed sum of money at a future date.
The system with the bill of exchange was introduced here, as clients went with such a bill of exchange with a credit inscribed from one banker to another.
In an investigation of defalcation, he had made an illegal arrest and had demanded a bill of exchange for the embezzled money from the arrested fraudster.
Goods were supplied to a buyer against a bill of exchange, which constituted the buyer's promise to make payment at some specified future date.
A bill of exchange is essentially an order made by one person to another to pay money to a third person.
A bill of exchange may be endorsed by the payee in favour of a third party, who may in turn endorse it to a fourth, and so on indefinitely.
Thus, for payment of invoices received, the client provides the supplier a promissory note or a bill of exchange.
Cheques, a type of bill of exchange, then began to evolve.
In medieval banking, usance denoted the period of time, set by custom, before a bill of exchange could be redeemed at its destination.
A "draft" is a bill of exchange which is not payable on demand of the payee.

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