English » Slovenian

stroll·er [ˈstrəʊləʳ] N

1. stroller (person):

2. stroller (pushchair):

stroller esp Am Aus

con·trol·ler [kənˈtrəʊləʳ] N

1. controller of a radio station:

direktor(ica) m (f)
vodja m

2. controller AVIAT:

I . ˈsteam·roll·er N

1. steamroller (road machinery):

II . ˈsteam·roll·er VB trans to steamroller sb into doing sth

carou·sel [ˌkærəˈsel] N

1. carousel Am (merry-go-round):

2. carousel AVIAT:

thrill·er [ˈθrɪləʳ] N

ˈcar·ol sing·er N

ˈpaint roll·er N

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