English » Slovenian

Translations for checkout in the English » Slovenian Dictionary

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ˈcheck·out N

1. checkout (departure from hotel):

odjava f

2. checkout (pay point) → chechout counter:

ˈcheck·out count·er N

checkout counter

Usage examples with checkout

checkout counter

Monolingual examples (not verified by PONS Editors)

The library has over 42,000 items available for checkout, rooms for community use, and over 20 computers for patron use.
In that capacity he was involved in the checkout and delivery of all 100 aircraft.
This action, recorded on punched tape, activated back office machinery to assemble the order, which was then dispatched to the checkout on a conveyor belt.
Cart32 provides shopping cart, checkout, and storefront hosting facilities to tens of thousands of online retail clients internationally.
Laptops, handhelds and digital cameras are available for student checkout and there are numerous power-stations available for recharging handheld devices.
Initial checkout of new instruments and equipment during mission showed all were performing nominally.
It is a no-frills grocery store where the customers bag their own groceries at the checkout.
There are an estimated 125 desktops all with internet access, 200 laptops, both digital and video cameras available for use and checkout.
It includes a teen area, a small business/entrepreneurial knoll and fully automated checkout systems.
After its success most stores were refurbished with dark blue walls, bright orange wall panels and grey shelving, as well as new checkouts.

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