English » Slovenian

ˈpush·over N

1. pushover inf (easy success):

pushover approv fig

Pass·over [ˌpɑ:sˈəʊvəʳ] N

ˈflash·point N

1. flashpoint CHEM:

ˈflash·gun N PHOTO

ˈflash·back N CINE

ˈhang·over N

1. hangover (from drinking):

maček m

2. hangover (relic):

ˈtake·over N

dis·cov·er [dɪˈskʌvəʳ] VB trans

1. discover (find out):

2. discover (find first):

3. discover (find):

ˈwalk·over N (easy victory)

ˈflash·light N

1. flashlight PHOTO:

2. flashlight Am (torch):

ˈchange·over N usu sing

Monolingual examples (not verified by PONS Editors)

These patterns may cease to be created once the transition to flashover has occurred.
Exercises conducted at fire investigation seminars historically have used short-lived fires, extinguished before flashover, to help investigators recognize arson.
Its major function is to provide mechanical support and electrical insulation for the central electrode, while also providing an extended spark path for flashover protection.
Once flashover occurs, all of the fuel that can be involved is involved, and the fire can only grow where it has sufficient ventilation.
Vertical ventilation is absolutely vital to firefighter safety in the event of a flashover or backdraft scenario.
Investigations later showed that the fire started in highly-flammable polyurethane products, which caught fire very quickly, causing the fire to flashover very rapidly.
This time, investigators concluded that there was no foul play after all and that flashover had occurred.
The small size of the access hole also reduces any risk of flashover or backdraft.
Prior to flashover, flammable gases may be emitted but are too cool to self-ignite.
The flames heat the material farther up: these emit gases that self-ignite, demonstrating flashover theory.

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