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You are viewing results spelled similarly: oatmeal , goatee , treatment , caveat , goalpost , goalie , white meat and red meat

I . ˈoat·meal [ˈəʊtmi:l] N no pl

1. oatmeal (flour):

2. oatmeal Am (porridge):

II . ˈoat·meal [ˈəʊtmi:l] ADJ (containing oatmeal)

goatee [gəʊˈti:] N

treat·ment [ˈtri:tmənt] N

1. treatment no pl (handling):

3. treatment no pl (processing):

red ˈmeat N no pl

ˈwhite meat N

goalie [ˈgəʊli] N inf, ˈgoal·keep·er N

golman(ka) m (f)
vratar(ka) m (f)

ˈgoal·post N

ca·veat [ˈkæviæt] N form

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