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in·struc·tion [ɪnˈstrʌkʃən] N

1. instruction usu pl (order):

ukaz m

3. instruction (directions):

instructions pl
navodila n pl
instructions for use

in·ˈstruc·tion book N, in·ˈstruc·tion manu·al N

in·ˈstruc·tion leaf·let N

Usage examples with instructions

instructions for use
manual of instructions
he is bad at giving instructions

Monolingual examples (not verified by PONS Editors)

No loudmouth chickies in pink spandex shouting instructions.
It is similar to an instrument landing system (ILS) but requires control instructions.
Nearly every modern processor has these or similar instructions, as they are necessary to implement multitasking.
Properly constructed, it always cranks away ad infinitum, but its instructions are always finite.
Although sporadic air attacks punctuated the night, she withheld her fire in accordance with instructions from the beachhead commander.
However, in some cases, an assembler may provide "pseudoinstructions" (essentially macros) which expand into several machine language instructions to provide commonly needed functionality.
In the later versions the system could automatically direct aircraft to an interception by sending instructions directly to the aircraft's autopilot.
Each participant will then be allocated the conference call number, a participant user pin, the conference pin and instructions on how to join the conference call.
By nature a secretive individual, he left instructions in his will that resulted in the destruction of nearly all his papers.
Another placed a hand-held computer over the tip of a 155 mm shell to feed blast instructions to a memory chip in the fuse.

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