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ni·trite [ˈnaɪtraɪt] N CHEM

ni·tro·gen [ˈnaɪtrəʤən] N no pl

ni·tric [ˈnaɪtrɪk] ADJ CHEM

1. nitric (of nitrogen):

2. nitric (of nitre):

ni·tre [ˈnaɪtəʳ] N no pl

ni·trate [ˈnaɪtreɪt] N

ni·trous [ˈnaɪtrəs] ADJ

1. nitrous (of nitrogen):

piti·less [ˈpɪtiləs] ADJ

nit·pick·er [ˈnɪtpɪkəʳ] N pej

vit·ri·ol·ic [ˌvɪtriˈɒlɪk] ADJ

2. vitriolic CHEM:

ni·ter N Am

niter → nitre:

See also nitre

ni·tre [ˈnaɪtəʳ] N no pl

nit·wit [ˈnɪtwɪt] N pej inf

nit·pick [ˈnɪtpɪk] VB intr inf

nit·picky <-ier, -iest> [ˈnɪtpɪki] ADJ inf

piles [paɪlz] N

piles pl inf:

hemeroidi m pl

wiles [waɪlz] N

Gentiles REL
1. (v judovstvu) nejud/-dinja, 2. (med mormoni) nemormon/-nka, 3. pogan/-nka

Monolingual examples (not verified by PONS Editors)

Organic nitriles do not readily release cyanide ions, and so have low toxicities.
They do not react with esters, nitriles, or amides.
Amides, nitriles, and oximes are reduced to their corresponding amines.
Reactions with larger nitriles, however, are only marginally accelerated, implying that catalysis takes place chiefly within the materials channels rather than on its exterior.
Like other nitriles, adiponitrile is susceptible to hydrolysis.
Organic chemists often refer to cyanides as nitriles.
These unsaturated nitriles are subsequently isomerized to the 3-and 4-pentenenitriles.
It is used for deprotecting acetals and ketals to aldehydes and ketones, and for converting epoxides into alkenes and aldoximes into nitriles.
This enzyme belongs to the family of hydrolases, those acting on carbon-nitrogen bonds other than peptide bonds, specifically in nitriles.
Examples of arylation and acylation reactions of nitriles are shown below.

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