English » Slovenian

Translations for search warrant in the English » Slovenian Dictionary

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ˈsearch war·rant N

Usage examples with search warrant

Monolingual examples (not verified by PONS Editors)

Seeking a search warrant, they left and asked 11 judges before finding one that would grant one.
After obtaining a search warrant, officers moved in on the property.
The detective prepared an affidavit and applied for a search warrant, which was issued.
Such searches, in the absence of well recognized exceptions, may be made only under the authority of a search warrant.
When they asked to fingerprint him and borrow boots for matching purposes, he signed a search warrant.
The detective produces a search warrant on a subsequent visit, but finds nothing.
With this information the officers gained a search warrant, which they used to search the property.
Charges against her were subsequently dropped due to a technically invalid search warrant.
A prosecutor was absolutely immune from damages based upon positions taken in a probable cause hearing for a search warrant.
Neither answered the door when police drug task force agents arrived with a search warrant.

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