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Translations for single currency in the English » Slovenian Dictionary

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sin·gle ˈcur·ren·cy N FIN

Monolingual examples (not verified by PONS Editors)

To facilitate commerce, it was less important which currency was adopted than that the government standardise on a single currency.
Public opinion surveys have shown fluctuating support for the single currency with majorities in favour for some years after the physical introduction of the currency.
The motion also called for economic and monetary union, including a single currency, although others who had voted for the motion said that the translation was inaccurate.
In 1850 a single currency was imposed to replace the cantonal currencies, while all customs between cantons were abolished.
We should direct our efforts towards closer economic integration, a common market and a single currency.
It may instead target a basket of foreign currencies rather than a single currency.
He asserts that the single currency should be supported by economic and fiscal policies and coordination at supranational level.
His system relies on a measure of free trade, and proposes a single currency, and standardized weights and measures.
The ultimate goal would be a regional organisation that would be open for other countries to join as well, and could eventually lead even to a single currency.
The participant countries have both common external trade policy and share a single currency.

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