English » Slovenian

I . pool1 [pu:l] N

1. pool (natural):

bazen(ček) m
tolmun m

3. pool (construction):

bazen m

II . pool1 [pu:l] VB intr

pool liquid:

zbirati se [perf zbrati se]

I . pool2 [pu:l] N

2. pool no pl SPORTS:

to shoot pool esp Am inf

3. pool (in card games, in gambling):

II . pool2 [pu:l] VB trans

I . fuel [ˈfju:əl] N

II . fuel <-ll- [or Am usu-l-]> [ˈfju:əl] VB trans

1. fuel usu passive:

I . spent [spent] VB

spent pp, pt of spend:

II . spent [spent] ADJ

3. spent (without inspiration):

See also spend

II . spend <spent, spent> [spend] VB intr

III . spend [spend] N Brit

I . spend <spent, spent> [spend] VB trans

1. spend (pay out):

II . spend <spent, spent> [spend] VB intr

III . spend [spend] N Brit

ˈdriv·ing pool N

ˈpad·dling pool N esp Brit Aus

ˈplunge pool N

ˈpool hall N, ˈpool room N

ˈfuel cell N

ˈfuel con·sump·tion N no pl

fuel-efˈficient ADJ

ˈfuel gauge N, ˈfuel gage N

fuel ˈpov·er·ty N no pl Brit

ˈfuel pump N

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