English » Slovenian

ˈtime card N Am

ˈtime share N

1. time share no pl (arrangement):

2. time share (holiday home):

dis·eased [dɪˈzi:zd] ADJ

ˈtwo-phase ADJ attr ELEC

ˈtime lag N

time·less [ˈtaɪmləs] ADJ

1. timeless (not dated):

2. timeless (unchanging):

I . ˈtime·ta·ble N

2. timetable (at school/university):

timetable Brit Aus
urnik m

II . ˈtime·ta·ble VB trans usu passive

ˈtime zone N

ˈtime·keep·er N

1. timekeeper SPORTS:

ˈtime sheet N

ˈtime-shar·ing N no pl

I . de·ceased <-> [dɪˈsi:st] form N the deceased

II . de·ceased [dɪˈsi:st] form ADJ

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