flowers in the Oxford Spanish Dictionary

Translations for flowers in the English»Spanish Dictionary

I.flower [Am ˈflaʊ(ə)r, Brit ˈflaʊə] N

II.flower [Am ˈflaʊ(ə)r, Brit ˈflaʊə] VB intr

flower arranging [əˈreɪndʒɪŋ] N U

flower bed [Am ˈflaʊ(ə)r ˌbɛd, Brit] N

flowers in the PONS Dictionary

Translations for flowers in the English»Spanish Dictionary (Go to Spanish»English)

I.flower [ˈflaʊəʳ, Am ˈflaʊɚ] N

II.flower [ˈflaʊəʳ, Am ˈflaʊɚ] VB intr

Your search term in other parts of the dictionary
a spray of flowers
gardening of flowers
intertwine flowers, hands

Translations for flowers in the Spanish»English Dictionary (Go to English»Spanish)

flowers Examples from the PONS Dictionary (editorially verified)

many flowers
a spray of flowers
flowers of all sorts
to strew a street with flowers
to adorn a table with flowers
American English

Monolingual examples (not verified by PONS Editors)

A few days later a tribute of flowers including gladioli were left anonymously on the shattered trunk.
The flowers may have 4-5 faintly connate but imbricate sepals with an equal number of distinct, imbricate petals.
Its attractive fruit and flowers have horticultural appeal.
Two bosses stand out at the rear of the helmet, at the centre of embossed flowers.
Thus, the tulip, crocus, and other vernal flowers are very sensitive to changes in temperature.
The flowers of scented-leaf pelargoniums tend to be pretty but not showy; the real stars are the leaves, which conceal tiny sacs of oil.
The community is generally well-maintained; trees and flowers adorn the streets.
There are 1,150 stands dedicated to the selling of cut flowers, flower arrangements, ornamental plants and accessories such as flowerpots.
He attached a studio to the house and planted many gardens of flowers, eternally frustrated that his roses would never grow quite right.
The flowers are catkins that form in the fall and pollinate in the following spring.

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