Free English - Polish Translation in the PONS Online Dictionary

The PONS English - Polish online dictionary is a free online resource for everybody.

Look up a word or a phrase by typing it in the search box. You can choose to search in both language directions or in just one direction.

Also try all the other free bilingual PONS online dictionaries available on this site. You can select them with the drop-down menus on the right of the search bar.

Key Features of the PONS English - Polish online dictionary

  • More than 600,000 words, meanings, phrases and translations
  • Information on pronunciation including phonetic transcription and audio output
  • English and Polish virtual keyboards (to help with special characters in each language)
  • Suitable for school, university, work and leisure
  • Bidirectional search (English > Polish and Polish > English)

Why use the PONS English - Polish online dictionary?

Are you looking for the best English - Polish online dictionary? Then you have found out. Millions of internet users worldwide rely on PONS online dictionaries every day.

Carefully edited by experts, the PONS online dictionary includes everyday language, regionalisms as well as specialist language and terminology (for example technical, medical, scientific and legal).

Thanks to the constant updating and revision of content by PONS editors and lexicographers, we guarantee a high-quality, complete and up-to-date dictionary with the best translations. Users can also help to enrich the dictionary with their own contributions. All contributions are checked by language experts before publishing.

The dictionary’s well-structured entries cover a broad spectrum of subject areas and include all relevant linguistic information (for example word class, plural forms, article and phonetical transcription). This makes the English - Polish online dictionary suitable for all users (students, teachers, self-learners, professionals and everyone who simply wants to learn a new language).

The dictionary also helps you to improve your English and Polish pronunciation: it provides audio pronunciation of words and phrases for different regional variations of a language. Example sentences make it even easier to use a word or phrase correctly.

Contact us

If you have any comments or feedback about the PONS English - Polish dictionary, please e-mail

Headword List of the English - Polish Dictionary

Browse the dictionary using the headword list to see an alphabetical list of English words beginning with that letter. And click on it to get to the Polish translations.

Further PONS tools and products

Text Translator

Translate words, phrases, sentences and complete texts automatically into 38 languages. The text translator shows alternative translations, links directly to the dictionary entries and has other great features, such as voice input and voice output. Try it out now: English ⇄ Polish Text Translator!

Verb tables

Look up and easily learn the right grammatical verb forms with the clearly structured PONS conjugation tables: PONS English verb tables.

Vocabulary Trainer

The Vocabulary Trainer makes it easy to learn new vocabulary and enhance your communicational skills. Add new words to the Vocabulary Trainer while looking for words in the English - Polish dictionary – and practise them later in your browser or offline in the Vocabulary Trainer App.

PONS Mobile Apps

PONS Translate – All in one: Text translator and dictionary are combined in this app. No matter if a word or text is typed, spoken or in a photo – get quick and reliable English ⇄ Polish translations with the app for Android and iOS.

PONS Vocabulary Trainer app: Download the app and practise your English - Polish vocabulary offline – whenever and wherever you are.

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