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You are viewing results spelled similarly: era , eczema , etch , etc. , enc. , each , mica and echo

era [ˈɪərə] N

I . echo <-es> [ˈekəʊ] N (reverberation)

II . echo [ˈekəʊ] VB intr

1. echo (resound):

2. echo fig (repeat):

III . echo [ˈekəʊ] VB trans

1. echo:

ponavljati (se) [perf ponoviti (se)]

2. echo (resemble):

3. echo (repeat sb's words):

mica [ˈmaɪkə] N no pl


enc. → encl.:

etc. ADV

etc. abbreviation of et cetera:


ec·ze·ma [ˈeksɪmə] N no pl

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