English » Slovenian

I . sta·tion [ˈsteɪʃən] N

3. station (broadcasting station):

6. station AGR (large farm):

station Aus NZ
farma f

II . sta·tion [ˈsteɪʃən] VB trans

I . dock1 [dɒk] N

2. dock Am (pier):

pomol m

II . dock1 [dɒk] VB intr

1. dock NAUT:

2. dock aerosp:

III . dock1 [dɒk] VB trans to dock sth

dock2 [dɒk] N no pl esp Brit LAW

dock3 [dɒk] VB trans

2. dock (cut off):

dock4 [dɒk] N no pl BOT

ˈbroad·cast·ing sta·tion N

ˈbus sta·tion N

ˈcoach sta·tion N Brit

ˈcom·fort sta·tion N Am

ˈfill·ing sta·tion N

ˈfire sta·tion N

ˈfron·tier sta·tion N

ˈgas sta·tion N Am

ˈgen·er·at·ing sta·tion N

ˈpay sta·tion N Brit

ˈpet·rol sta·tion N Brit Aus

po·ˈlice sta·tion N

ˈpoll·ing sta·tion N Brit Aus, ˈpoll·ing place N

ˈpow·er sta·tion N

1. power station (power plant):

2. power station (unit power source):

ˈpump·ing sta·tion N

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