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Translations for emasculate in the English » Slovenian Dictionary

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ejacu·late [ɪˈʤækjəleɪt] VB intr, trans

I . cal·cu·late [ˈkælkjəleɪt] VB trans

II . cal·cu·late [ˈkælkjəleɪt] VB intr to calculate [on sth]

im·macu·late [ɪˈmækjələt] ADJ approv

mas·cu·line [ˈmæskjəlɪn] ADJ

1. masculine (male):

2. masculine LING:

ges·ticu·late [ʤesˈtɪkjəleɪt] VB intr form

ma·tricu·late [məˈtrɪkjəleɪt] VB intr

1. matriculate (enter university):

2. matriculate SA (pass exams):

I . cir·cu·late [ˈsɜ:kjəleɪt] VB trans

specu·late [ˈspekjəleɪt] VB intr

1. speculate (job):

2. speculate (reflect):

3. speculate (theorize):

I . ar·ticu·late ADJ [ɑ:ˈtɪkjələt]

1. articulate person:

2. articulate speech:

II . ar·ticu·late VB trans [ɑ:ˈtɪkjəleɪt]

1. articulate (express):

2. articulate (pronounce, sound):

vas·cu·lar [ˈvæskjələʳ] ADJ

vascular BOT, MED
vascular BOT, MED

tabu·late [ˈtæbjəleɪt] VB trans form

in·su·late [ˈɪn(t)sjəleɪt] VB trans

1. insulate (protect):

2. insulate fig (shield):

I . modu·late [ˈmɒdjəleɪt] VB trans

1. modulate (regulate):

2. modulate (adjust pitch):

4. modulate (mix signals):

modulate ELEC, RADIO

II . modu·late [ˈmɒdjəleɪt] VB intr MUS

I . co·agu·late [kəʊˈægjəleɪt] VB intr

II . co·agu·late [kəʊˈægjəleɪt] VB trans

con·sulate [ˈkɒn(t)sjulət] N

1. consulate (building):

2. consulate + sing/pl vb (staff):

I . pos·tu·late form VB trans [ˈpɒstjəleɪt]

2. postulate (nominate):

II . pos·tu·late form N [ˈpɒstjələt]

Monolingual examples (not verified by PONS Editors)

Well, five extraordinarily good-looking friends who would emasculate you with their galling, starlet-attracting cool -- but, still, friends.
We now live in a land that seems intent on emasculating and undermining those who protect us from the evil predators that walk our streets.
Absolutely, but women don't want to emasculate their partner, and they overcompensate for that.
As a result, the monarchs were able to exert domestic control by emasculating the feudal lords and to stop relying on the latter for armed troops.
Can't you see, feminism is not about overpowering or emasculating men in society.
He has been visceral and sincere, to a degree that would emasculate a rapper more obsessive about maintaining an air of invincibility.
Critics have noted that as non federal lighthouse are not covered by the act, the move to disposal proposal essentially emasculates the act.
The movie is just the latest in a string of emasculating offerings in popular culture.
Consequently, it is important to me to be in a relationship with somebody who doesn't constantly emasculate me.
During the verses, he sings primarily in a medium-to-low range and his vocals are treated with heavy processing, which takes out the bottom of the sound and emasculates his voice.

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