English » Slovenian

ˈsick list N MED

tick·lish [ˈtɪklɪʃ] ADJ

1. ticklish (sensitive to tickling):

3. ticklish (irritating):

ˈpick·ing list N Am

1. picking list COMM:

2. picking list COMPUT:

I . ˈblack·list VB trans

II . ˈblack·list N

ˈcheck·list N

I . pick·le [ˈpɪkl̩] N

2. pickle Am (conserved gherkin):

3. pickle (brine):

4. pickle (solution with vinegar):

II . pick·le [ˈpɪkl̩] VB trans

pick·led [ˈpɪkl̩d] ADJ

1. pickled (preserved):

2. pickled fig inf (drunk):

fi·nal·ist [ˈfaɪnəlɪst] N

ni·hil·ist [ˈnaɪ(h)ɪlɪst] N

pan·el·ist N Am

panelist → panellist:

See also panellist

pan·el·list [ˈpænəlɪst] N

1. panellist (in expert team):

2. panellist (in quiz team):

pu·gi·list [ˈpju:ʤɪlɪst] N

1. pugilist dated (boxer):

boksar(ka) m (f)

2. pugilist inf (one who enjoys hitting):

pretepač(ka) m (f)

vo·cal·ist [ˈvəʊkəlɪst] N

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