English » Slovenian

sta·dium <-s [or -dia]> [ˈsteɪdiəm, -iə] N

ˈscan·ning N

scan·dal [ˈskændəl] N

1. scandal (cause of outrage):

2. scandal no pl (gossip):

govorice f pl
trači m pl

3. scandal (sth shocking):

it's a scandal that ...
škandal je, da ...
it's a scandal that ...
sramota je, da ...

ra·dium [ˈreɪdiəm] N no pl

so·dium [ˈsəʊdiəm] N no pl

I . scant [skænt] ADJ attr

2. scant (almost):

II . scant [skænt] VB trans

1. scant (neglect):

2. scant esp Am (be grudging with):

scanty [ˈskænti] ADJ

2. scanty (very small):

scan·ner [ˈskænəʳ] N

I . me·dium [ˈmi:diəm] ADJ

2. medium FOOD:

II . me·dium <-s [or -dia]> [ˈmi:diəm] N

2. medium -s (spiritualist):

medij m

3. medium (nutritive substance):

po·dium <-dia> [ˈpəʊdiəm, -diə] N

te·dium [ˈti:diəm] N no pl

II . scald [skɔ:ld] N

1. scald MED:

Monolingual examples (not verified by PONS Editors)

The first pound of 99% pure scandium metal was produced in 1960.
Many metals form trifluorides, such as iron, bismuth, the rare earth elements, and the metals in the aluminium and scandium columns of the periodic table.
Hydrogen acts as a hardening agent, preventing dislocations in the scandium atom crystal lattice from sliding past one another.
Some items of sports equipment, which rely on high performance materials, have been made with scandium-aluminium alloys, including baseball bats, and bicycle frames and components.
The spectrum displays at least double the normal abundances of elements like magnesium, aluminum and silicon, while helium and scandium are under-abundant.
Scandium oxide reacts with most acids upon heating, to produce the expected hydrated product.
About 80 kg of scandium is used in metal halide lamps/light bulbs globally per year.
Particularly promising is the strengthening of aluminium alloys with as little as 0.5% scandium.
In this, scandium shows more similarity with aluminium oxide.
Three group 3 elements occur naturally, scandium, yttrium, and either lanthanum or lutetium.

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