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You are viewing results spelled similarly: saunter , hunter , shutter , counter , shelter , shatter , punter , shudder and shunt

shut·ter [ˈʃʌtəʳ] N

1. shutter PHOTO:

zaklop m

2. shutter usu pl (window cover):

roleta f
rolo m

hunt·er [ˈhʌntəʳ] N

1. hunter (person):

lovec(lovka) m (f)

2. hunter (horse):

3. hunter (dog):

II . saun·ter [ˈsɔ:ntəʳ] N usu sing

II . shunt [ʃʌnt] N

1. shunt RAIL:

2. shunt Brit AUTO:

shunt inf

punt·er1 [ˈpʌntəʳ] N Brit

3. punter inf (prostitute's customer):

klient m

II . shel·ter [ˈʃəltəʳ] VB intr

III . shel·ter [ˈʃəltəʳ] VB trans

III . count·er [ˈkaʊntəʳ] VB intr

IV . count·er [ˈkaʊntəʳ] ADV

Monolingual examples (not verified by PONS Editors)

They were intended to demonstrate a new generation of diesel shunters for industrial and mainline use.
Gas production finished in 1971, just three years after the shunter had been fitted with a new 80hp engine.
Locomotive production continued, including new versions of the shunters.
A number were sold to private buyers for use as shunters.
Present are locomotors (serie 200/300), shunters (serie 500/600) and main line engines (series 2200/2300 and 2400/2500).
The train shunter died at the scene and the train driver later died in hospital.
The most vulnerable workers were the shunters in the yard.
Diesel shunters, which started to appear from the early 1930s onwards, were numbered in the same series as steam locomotives.
Used regularly on freight trains and shunting, the most powerful shunter on the line.
Full length external footboards and hand rails allowed the guard or a shunter to ride on the outside during shunting movements.

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