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Translations for unemployment benefit in the English » Slovenian Dictionary

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un·em·ˈploy·ment ben·efit N Brit Aus, un·em·ploy·ment com·pen·ˈsa·tion N no pl, un·em·ploy·ment in·ˈsur·ance N no pl

Monolingual examples (not verified by PONS Editors)

The government ran into even deeper trouble in its attempt to reform the unemployment benefit system.
Other changes include the ending of employers' co-financing of sickness benefit after the second week and reduction of unemployment benefit.
In 1966, the period for which flat rate unemployment benefit was payable was extended to twelve months, while the earnings limit for pensioners was extended.
They continue to receive unemployment benefit while developing a marketable product or service, testing the market and establishing a client base.
They also quality for unemployment benefit.
But that money ran out eventually too and there was no option but to sign up for the unemployment benefit.
The etymology of this expression is said by some to derive from printer (publisher); dole : (informal) welfare, specifically unemployment benefit.
Data available from 1881 to 1912 is based on the records of trade unions that paid unemployment benefit to their members.
The government eventually collapsed over arguments about a budget deficit amidst refusals by a significant minority of ministers to enact cuts in unemployment benefit.
Unemployment benefit is commonly referred to as the dole; to receive the benefit is to be on the dole.

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