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You are viewing results spelled similarly: hot , howl , hood , holm , holy , hole , hold , host and hoot

II . howl [haʊl] VB intr

2. howl inf (laugh):

I . hot <-tt-> [hɒt] ADJ

1. hot (temperature):


2. hot (spicy):

6. hot sl (sexy):


II . hot <-tt-> [hɒt] VB trans to hot up

hot engine:


III . hot <-tt-> [hɒt] VB intr to hot up

IV . hot [hɒt] N

I . hoot [hu:t] N

1. hoot (beep):

2. hoot (owl call):

skovik m

II . hoot [hu:t] VB intr

1. hoot car:

hupati [perf zahupati]

2. hoot owl:

hukati [perf hukniti]

3. hoot (utter):

I . host1 [həʊst] N

1. host (party-giver):

gostitelj(ica) m (f)

2. host (event-stager):

prireditelj(ica) m (f)

3. host (compère):

voditelj(ica) m (f)

4. host BIOL:

5. host COMPUT:

III . host1 [həʊst] VB trans

1. host (stage):

2. host (be compère for):

I . hole [həʊl] N

2. hole fig (fault):

3. hole fig inf (difficulty):

to be in a [bit of a] hole

II . hole [həʊl] VB trans

1. hole MIL:

2. hole (in golf):

holy [ˈhəʊli] ADJ

hood3 [Am hʊd] N Am sl

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