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You are viewing results spelled similarly: tsp , top , tip , tap , trip , trap , temp , tbsp and tamp

I . tap1 [tæp] N

2. tap (outlet):

to be on tap fig

3. tap TELEC:


II . tap1 <-pp-> [tæp] VB trans

1. tap (intercept):


2. tap (make available):

3. tap (let out):

4. tap MED:


III . tap1 [tæp] VB intr inf (gain access)

I . tip1 <-pp-> [tɪp] VB trans

1. tip (attach to extremity of):

2. tip (dye one's hair):

top1 [tɒp] N (toy)

tsp <- [or -s]> N

tsp abbreviation of teaspoon:


See also teaspoon

ˈtea·spoon N

tamp [tæmp] VB trans

1. tamp (fill):

tbsp <-> N

tbsp abbreviation of tablespoonful:

I . temp [temp] inf N (temporary employee)

I . trap [træp] N

1. trap (snare):

past f
zanka f
to set a trap

3. trap Brit inf! (mouth):

gobec m
goflja f

4. trap (part of drain):

sifon m

5. trap hist (carriage):

II . trap <-pp-> [træp] VB trans

1. trap (snare):

2. trap usu passive (confine):

I . trip [trɪp] N

2. trip esp Brit (outing):

izlet m

3. trip (stumble):

4. trip (self-indulgence):

5. trip (hallucination):

II . trip <-pp-> [trɪp] VB intr

1. trip (unbalance):

2. trip (be uttered):

3. trip inf (be on drugs):

III . trip <-pp-> [trɪp] VB trans

1. trip (unbalance):

2. trip switch:

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