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You are viewing results spelled similarly: wish and wash

I . wash <-es> [wɒʃ] N

1. wash usu sing (cleaning, laundering):

2. wash no pl (clothes):

to do a wash

3. wash usu sing (thin layer):

II . wash [wɒʃ] VB trans

1. wash (clean):

umivati [perf umiti]
prati [perf oprati]
spirati [perf sprati]

III . wash [wɒʃ] VB intr (clean oneself)

I . wish <-es> [wɪʃ] N

1. wish (desire):

želja f

2. wish (thing desired):

želja f

II . wish [wɪʃ] VB trans

1. wish (be desirous, expressing annoyance):

2. wish form (want):

3. wish (make a magic wish):

to wish [that] ...
zaželeti si, [da] ...

III . wish [wɪʃ] VB intr

2. wish (make a wish):

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