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You are viewing results spelled similarly: whip , whim , weir , wail , waif , watt , writ , with , whit , wait and anti

I . anti [ˈænti] N

II . anti [ˈænti] ADJ to be anti

III . anti [ˈænti] PREP

proti +dat

I . wait [weɪt] N no pl

II . wait [weɪt] VB intr

1. wait (bide one's time):

2. wait (express warning):

III . wait [weɪt] VB trans Am (serve)

whit [(h)wit] N no pl old form

with [wɪθ] PREP

1. with (having, containing):

s/z +instr

2. with (accompanied by):

s/z +instr

3. with (together with):

s/z +instr

4. with (concerning):

5. with (expressing manner):

6. with (in addition to):

with that ...
in s tem ...

7. with (in proportion to):

8. with (in direction of):

9. with (using):

10. with (in circumstances of, while):

11. with (in a state of):

od +gen

12. with (despite):

(nav)kljub +dat

13. with (in company of):

14. with (in support of):

15. with (to match):

16. with (on one's person):

17. with inf (denoting comprehension):

writ1 [rɪt] N

2. writ no pl form (authority):

watt N

watt m

waif [weɪf] N

1. waif (very thin female):

prekla f

2. waif (child):

sirota f

II . wail [weɪl] VB trans to wail that ...

tarnati, da ...

III . wail [weɪl] N

weir [wɪəʳ] N

jez m

I . whip [(h)wɪp] N

1. whip (for hitting):

bič m

2. whip Brit POL (person):

3. whip no pl FOOD:

krema f

II . whip <-pp-> [(h)wɪp] VB trans

2. whip FOOD:

stepati [perf stepsti]

3. whip Am inf (defeat):

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