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You are viewing results spelled similarly: scale , descale , scaly , scalp , scald , stale , shale and locale

I . scale1 [skeɪl] N

1. scale (on skin):

luska f

II . scale1 [skeɪl] VB trans

1. scale (remove scales):

2. scale (remove tartar):

lo·cale [lə(ʊ)ˈkɑ:l] N

shale [ʃeɪl] N no pl

stale [steɪl] ADJ

2. stale (unoriginal):

3. stale (without zest):

I . scald [skɔ:ld] VB trans

2. scald (clean):

II . scald [skɔ:ld] N

1. scald MED:

I . scalp [skælp] N (head skin)

II . scalp [skælp] VB trans

1. scalp hist (remove head skin):

2. scalp inf (resell):

scalp Am Aus tickets

3. scalp Am iron inf (defeat):

scaly [ˈskeɪli] ADJ

1. scaly:

scaly ZOOL, MED
scaly ZOOL, MED
scaly ZOOL, MED

2. scaly TECH:

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