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You are viewing results spelled similarly: pack , lack , Jack , jack , hack , back , ace , act , acre , acne , acid and ache

I . hack1 [hæk] VB trans

1. hack (chop):

sekati [perf razsekati]

2. hack (kick):

to hack sb Brit

3. hack COMPUT:

4. hack sl (cope with):

hack Am Aus

II . hack1 [hæk] VB intr

1. hack (chop):

2. hack COMPUT:

jack [ʤæk] N

1. jack (tool):

jack AUTO

2. jack CARDS:

fant m

3. jack ELEC:

Jack [ʤæk] N

II . lack [læk] VB trans to lack sth

I . pack [pæk] N

3. pack of cards:

4. pack + sing/pl vb (group):

krdelo n
tolpa f
trop m
krdelo n

5. pack (polar ice):

III . pack [pæk] VB trans

3. pack (compress):

zbijati [perf zbiti]
pack COMPUT data

4. pack (contain):

II . act [ækt] VB intr

2. act (function):

3. act (represent):


5. act (play):


6. act (sham):


7. act (take effect):

to act [on sth]

II . ace [eɪs] ADJ inf

I . ache [eɪk] N

II . ache [eɪk] VB intr

1. ache (cause pain):

2. ache (desire):

I . acid [ˈæsɪd] N

1. acid CHEM:

2. acid no pl sl (LSD):

trip m

II . acid [ˈæsɪd] ADJ

2. acid (sour):

3. acid (pungent):

acne [ˈækni] N no pl

acre [ˈeɪkəʳ] N

1. acre (unit):

aker m

2. acre fig:

3. acre pl (property):

posest f

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