English » Slovenian

I . bun·dle [ˈbʌndl̩] N

II . bun·dle [ˈbʌndl̩] VB trans

Monolingual examples (not verified by PONS Editors)

Female office workers around the world brace for hot weather by bundling up -- even as their male colleagues type away in shirtsleeves.
There are discounts for bundling, winter tires, group rates or even graduating from a certain school.
His research has concentrated on microeconomics and industrial organization, on topics such as auctions, bundling, price discrimination, antitrust, contracting, and mechanism design.
And everywhere the rough-and-tumble rainforest comes bundling down to the water in a melee of vegetation and a million shades of green.
First let me address pricing bundling as opposed to service unbundling.
It has been argued that bundling can often reduce the cost of political transactions.
Of course that also means bundling up in gloves and a down jacket.
This code was designed to facilitate the sorting, bundling, and shipment of paper checks back to the drawer's (check writer's) account.
It is frequently used to unitize pallet loads but also may be used for bundling smaller items.
As an example, our internal product model has a wide variety of product options, configurations, bundling options and merchandizing rules.

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