English » Slovenian

I . guard [gɑ:d] N

3. guard (protective device):

4. guard Brit RAIL:

5. guard Brit MIL:

the Guards pl

II . guard [gɑ:d] VB trans

III . guard [gɑ:d] VB intr to guard against sth

ˈtake-off N

2. take-off (imitation):

take-off Brit Aus of
oponašanje n +gen

3. take-off SPORTS:

start m

I . pow·er [ˈpaʊəʳ] N

3. power (nation):

(vele)sila f

5. power no pl (right):

6. power (authority):

powers pl
powers pl

9. power no pl (emotion):

moč f

11. power no pl (output):

moč f

II . pow·er [ˈpaʊəʳ] VB trans

power down VB trans

power ELEC, TECH
power ELEC, TECH
power ELEC, TECH computer

I . power up VB trans

power ELEC, TECH
power ELEC, TECH
power ELEC, TECH computer

II . power up VB intr


ˈguard dog N

ˈguard rail N

Na·tion·al ˈGuard N Am

ˈpris·on guard N

se·ˈcu·rity guard N

na·val ˈpow·er N

nu·clear ˈpow·er N

1. nuclear power:

2. nuclear power:

ˈpeak pow·er N no pl

pow·er-as·ˈsist·ed ADJ attr

pow·er ˈbrakes N pl

pow·er-ˈbreak·fast·er N sl

ˈpow·er cable N

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