medical in the Oxford-Hachette French Dictionary

Translations for medical in the English»French Dictionary

I.medical [Brit ˈmɛdɪk(ə)l, Am ˈmɛdək(ə)l] N

II.medical [Brit ˈmɛdɪk(ə)l, Am ˈmɛdək(ə)l] ADJ

medical in the PONS Dictionary

Translations for medical in the English»French Dictionary (Go to French»English)

Translations for medical in the French»English Dictionary (Go to English»French)

medical Examples from the PONS Dictionary (editorially verified)

medical chart
medical practitioner
medical malpractice
to take medical advice
medical record
medical attention

medical Glossary « Intégration et égalité des chances » courtesy of the French-German Youth Office

American English

Monolingual examples (not verified by PONS Editors)

A volunteer ski patrol, staffed by students, provides on-mountain medical services.
Medical evidence suggests that the medical prohibition is not well-founded.
There have been no medical studies on its effects.
A medical professional who practices oncology is an "oncologist".
In addition to his medical activities, he is also active in the field of peace work.
He graduated with his medical degree in 1844.
Ann is suspended for three months by the medical association.
Peptic ulcers, or stomach ulcers, used to be a very serious medical condition.
She resigned this position in 1877, officially retiring from her medical career.
On these voyages doctors, nurses, and technical staff provided medical care and training to people in each country visited.

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