wish in the Oxford Spanish Dictionary

Translations for wish in the English»Spanish Dictionary (Go to Spanish»English)

I.wish [Am wɪʃ, Brit wɪʃ] N

1. wish (desire):

to make a wish
wish to + infin I've no wish to upset you, but

1. wish (desire fervently):

to wish sth on sb
to wish (that) I wish I hadn't come
I wish I were rich/a bit taller
I wish he would go away

wish for VB [Am wɪʃ -, Brit wɪʃ -] (v + prep + o)

wish fulfillment [ˈwɪʃ fʊlˌfɪlm(ə)nt] N U

wish away VB [Am wɪʃ -, Brit wɪʃ -] (v + o + adv, v + adv + o)

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to wish sb Godspeed

Translations for wish in the Spanish»English Dictionary (Go to English»Spanish)

wish in the PONS Dictionary

Translations for wish in the English»Spanish Dictionary (Go to Spanish»English)

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Translations for wish in the Spanish»English Dictionary (Go to English»Spanish)

wish Examples from the PONS Dictionary (editorially verified)

to have no wish to do sth
I wish he hadn't come
I wish to be alone
I don't wish to presume, but ...
I wish I could relive my youth
I wish I were 20 years younger
American English

Monolingual examples (not verified by PONS Editors)

The road is bumpy and tricky but the surrounding landscapes engrosses you so severely that you wish for more and expect to discover new panoramas.
Reports from residents indicate that individuals had actually turned down other employment opportunities because they did not wish to leave the cooperative, neighborly, low-cost environment of their mutual housing project.
Should he wish to withdraw from the project the equity is returnable to him in cash.
This is also true for civil law graduates who wish to complete a common law degree.
In most conversions, the majority of the original battalion either did not wish to become paratroopers, or failed medical or other tests.
The camp also operates off-season for special troop activities or external groups that wish to experience the outdoor spirit of the reservation.
It's fair to say that a test bench isn't the first thing the majority of the population's wish list of computer hardware.
Meanwhile, it also creates a whole heap of technology that it can hive off and sell on to other businesses should it wish.
A reduction of maternity benefit will force many women to go back to work earlier than they wish to.
Employers may need to consider whether they wish to keep disputes in court and, if arbitration is to be used, whether joinder provisions are necessary.

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