flag officer in the Oxford-Paravia Italian Dictionary

Translations for flag officer in the English»Italian Dictionary

Translations for flag officer in the Italian»English Dictionary

Translations for flag officer in the English»Italian Dictionary

I.officer [Brit ˈɒfɪsə, Am ˈɔfəsər, ˈɑfəsər] N

II.officer [Brit ˈɒfɪsə, Am ˈɔfəsər, ˈɑfəsər] VB trans MIL

I.flag1 [Brit flaɡ, Am flæɡ] N

II.flag1 <forma in -ing flagging, pt, pp flagged> [Brit flaɡ, Am flæɡ] VB trans

flag3 [Brit flaɡ, Am flæɡ] N BOT

flag4 <forma in -ing flagging, pt, pp flagged> [Brit flaɡ, Am flæɡ] VB intr

flag5 [Brit flaɡ, Am flæɡ] N (of a bird)

flag officer in the PONS Dictionary

Translations for flag officer in the English»Italian Dictionary

Monolingual examples (not verified by PONS Editors)

A major-general is a general officer, the equivalent of a naval flag officer.

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