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You are viewing results spelled similarly: amphore , flore , aurore , encore , score , Albanie and albanais

albanais(e) [albanɛ, ɛz] ADJ

Albanie [albani] N f

score [skɔʀ] N m

I . encore [ɑ͂kɔʀ] ADV

II . encore [ɑ͂kɔʀ] CONJ inf

encore que...
četudi ...

aurore [ɔʀɔʀ] N f

flore [flɔʀ] N f

amphore [ɑ͂fɔʀ] N f

Monolingual examples (not verified by PONS Editors)

Il se compose de tranches de thon albacore (appelé ’ahi en hawaïen) enrobées de fleur de sel.

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