English » Slovenian

bon·net [ˈbɒnɪt] N

1. bonnet:

avba f

2. bonnet AUTO:

bonnet Brit Aus

I . both·er [ˈbɒðəʳ] N no pl

3. bother Brit (nuisance):

II . both·er [ˈbɒðəʳ] INTERJ esp Brit

IV . both·er [ˈbɒðəʳ] VB trans

5. bother usu passive (not make the effort):

cor·net [ˈkɔ:nɪt] N

1. cornet MUS:

kornet m

hor·net [ˈhɔ:nɪt] N

son·net [ˈsɒnɪt] N

bottled [ˈbɒtl̩d] ADJ

1. bottled (sold in bottles):

2. bottled Brit (preserved in jars or bottles):

I . bayo·net [ˈbeɪənət] N

II . bayo·net [ˈbeɪənət] VB trans

bou·quet [bʊˈkeɪ] N

book·let [ˈbʊklət] N

I . botch [bɒtʃ] N

II . botch [bɒtʃ] VB trans to botch sth [up]

II . bot·tom [ˈbɒtəm] ADJ

III . bot·tom [ˈbɒtəm] VB intr ECON

bota·ny [ˈbɒtəni] N

ten·et [ˈtenɪt] N form

ren·net [ˈrenɪt] N, ren·nin [ˈrenɪn] N no pl

cyg·net [ˈsɪgnət] N

lin·net [ˈlɪnɪt] N ORN

mag·net [ˈmægnət] N

plan·et [ˈplænɪt] N

pun·net [ˈpʌnɪt] N Brit Aus

Monolingual examples (not verified by PONS Editors)

Its peer-to-peer topology is also used to show fake messages to other users for the purpose of expanding the botnet.
Generally, the more vulnerabilities a bot can scan and propagate through, the more valuable it becomes to a botnet controller community.
The botnet was composed of millions of infected or zombie computers controlled by the same operators.
The suspect denied any such involvement in the botnet.
A botnet server structure that lacks redundancy is vulnerable to at least the temporary disconnection of that server.
A botnet is a collection of compromised computers, known as bots, which hackers usually control for malicious purposes.
Further, the botnet is able to look up alternate backup hosts, enabling the criminals operating it to reestablish control over the network.
The process of stealing computing resources as a result of a system being joined to a botnet is sometimes referred to as scrumping.
Spammers can rent an instance of the botnet for a fee, and use it to send their own spam campaigns.
This version of the botnet currently consists of an estimated 70,000 infected computers.

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