trousers in the Oxford Spanish Dictionary

Translations for trousers in the English»Spanish Dictionary (Go to Spanish»English)

See also wear

I.wear [Am wɛr, Brit wɛː] N U

1.2. wear (damage):

II.wear <pt wore, pp worn> [Am wɛr, Brit wɛː] VB trans

1.2. wear jewelry/glasses/makeup:

¿usa gafas? esp Spain

III.wear <pt wore, pp worn> [Am wɛr, Brit wɛː] VB intr

combat pants, combat trousers N npl

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tapered trousers

Translations for trousers in the Spanish»English Dictionary (Go to English»Spanish)

trousers in the PONS Dictionary

Translations for trousers in the English»Spanish Dictionary (Go to Spanish»English)

Translations for trousers in the Spanish»English Dictionary (Go to English»Spanish)

trousers Examples from the PONS Dictionary (editorially verified)

a pair of trousers
you look a real sight in those trousers!
a pair of trousers
to wear the trousers
these trousers need to be washed
these trousers have stretched a lot
your trousers are too long for you
the trousers Brit [or pants Am] are tight on me
American English

Monolingual examples (not verified by PONS Editors)

He then constructs a boat, and uses the trousers as a sail.
A white dress consisting of a shirt, trousers and a forage cap would be worn when the men were based in camp.
Through integration a person learns to put concepts together, like a shirt and a pair of trousers, to build more complex units known as clothes.
It consists of black trousers or skirt, with a black or white shirt, and a tie bearing the school's registered tartan the ferry fling.
It was fitted with fixed tailwheel undercarriage, the main units of which were covered by long, trouser -style fairings.
Their trousers were of brown corduroy and a glazed-peak cap completed the uniform.
There were stabilising floats near the wing tips in trouser like fairings.
The school uniform is a wine jumper, grey trousers/skirt, a wine tie and a white shirt.
Corduroy is found in the construction of trousers, jackets and shirts.
Although it is called a "suit", a dashiki trouser set is equivalent to the tuxedo.

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