warm start in the PONS Dictionary

Translations for warm start in the English»Serbian Dictionary

I.warm [wɔːm] ADJ

II.warm [wɔːm] N

IV.warm [wɔːm] VB intr (grow to like)

I.start [stɑːt] N usu sing

Monolingual examples (not verified by PONS Editors)

Kicking off to a warm start, the first few months of 2016 were close to 1.5?
Needless to say, we've had a warm start to the month.
It is believed that the weak pound, along with the warm start to the year have encouraged more people to abandon thoughts of foreign breaks.
It was a sunny and warm start and there were some sizzling first-round scores.
In recent weeks, the unseasonably warm start to winter has contributed to subdued sales of winter product.
It hasn't been this warm for overnights since about 2011, so it's a very warm start, and a very hot blustery day ahead.
The shortfall reflects tougher than expected trading conditions in the second half, when the warm start to winter crimped clothing sales.
The pair got off to a warm start and began dating - but the pair knew of one another from earlier times.
It is a dry and warm start to the week, with good spells of sunshine in most places, with top temperatures of 19?
It's probably partly why people are particularly feeling the cold -- just because it was such a warm start to the year.

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