English » Slovenian

I . nix [Am nɪks] Am VB trans inf

II . nix [Am nɪks] Am ADV inf

III . nix [Am nɪks] Am N no pl

nič m
ne m

nit [nɪt] N

1. nit pej inf (idiot):

nit esp Brit Aus
tepec m
nit esp Brit Aus
trapa f

2. nit (egg):

gnida f

ni·ter N Am

niter → nitre:

See also nitre

ni·tre [ˈnaɪtəʳ] N no pl

ni·tre [ˈnaɪtəʳ] N no pl

I . nine [naɪn] N (number)

II . nine [naɪn] ADJ

See also eight

II . eight [eɪt] N

1. eight (number, symbol):

osmica f

2. eight SPORTS:

3. eight CARDS:

osmica f

4. eight (public transport):

osmica f

nil [nɪl] N no pl esp Brit SPORTS

nib [nɪb] N

I . nip1 <-pp-> [nɪp] VB trans

II . nip1 <-pp-> [nɪp] VB intr

1. nip (bite):

gristi [perf ugrizniti]

2. nip inf (go quickly):

Brit Aus to nip across to sth

III . nip1 [nɪp] N

1. nip:

nip (bite)
ugriz m

2. nip no pl (chill):

mraz m

nice [naɪs] ADJ

2. nice (amiable):

3. nice (intensifier):

I . nick [nɪk] N

1. nick (chip):

zareza f
urez m

2. nick Brit sl (prison):

the nick no pl
keha f
the nick no pl
arest m

3. nick no pl sl (condition):

Brit Aus in bad/good nick

II . nick [nɪk] VB trans

1. nick:

nick (chip) (cut)

2. nick inf (steal):

nick Brit Aus
nick Brit Aus
nick Brit Aus

3. nick Brit sl:

III . nick [nɪk] VB intr Brit Aus sl to nick off

niff [nɪf] N usu sing Brit inf

II . jinx [ʤɪŋks] VB trans

nit·wit [ˈnɪtwɪt] N pej inf

ni·tric [ˈnaɪtrɪk] ADJ CHEM

1. nitric (of nitrogen):

2. nitric (of nitre):

nett ADJ VB trans Brit

nett → net :

See also net , net

I . net2 [net] ADJ

2. net attr (final):


II . net2 [net] VB trans

1. net (after tax):


2. net (realize):


I . net1 [net] N

1. net also fig (mesh):

mreža f

2. net SPORTS:

mreža f

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