hard coal in the Oxford-Paravia Italian Dictionary

Translations for hard coal in the English»Italian Dictionary

Translations for hard coal in the English»Italian Dictionary

Translations for hard coal in the English»Italian Dictionary

I.coal [Brit kəʊl, Am koʊl] N

II.coal [Brit kəʊl, Am koʊl] VB trans

III.coal [Brit kəʊl, Am koʊl] VB intr

I.hard [Brit hɑːd, Am hɑrd] ADJ

2. hard:

3. hard (harsh, unpleasant):

it's a hard life! hum, iron

II.hard [Brit hɑːd, Am hɑrd] ADV

1. hard (strongly, energetically):

III.hard [Brit hɑːd, Am hɑrd]

hard coal in the PONS Dictionary

Translations for hard coal in the English»Italian Dictionary

Monolingual examples (not verified by PONS Editors)

The region's heavy industry, which has been in decline for the last decade, is located there too, benefiting from huge deposits of hard coal.
The plant will produce synthesis gas by gasification of hard coal.
Coal includes hard coal, brown coal, and lignite.

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