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You are viewing results spelled similarly: arc , dry , drew , dram , drab , drug , drop , drip , draw , drat and drag

I . dry <-ier, -iest [or -er, -est]> [draɪ] ADJ

2. dry (without alcohol):


III . dry <-ie-> [draɪ] VB intr

1. dry (lose moisture):


2. dry (dry up):


3. dry THEAT inf (forget one's lines):


I . arc [ɑ:k] N

lok m
obok m

I . drag [dræg] N

1. drag no pl PHYS:

upor m

2. drag no pl fig (impediment):

ovira f
to be a drag on sb

3. drag no pl inf (bore):

what a drag!

4. drag no pl inf (cross dress):

5. drag (inhalation):

drag inf
poteg m
the main drag Am inf

II . drag <-gg-> [dræg] VB trans

2. drag (take sb somewhere unwillingly):

3. drag (involve):

5. drag (search):

drat [dræt] INTERJ inf

I . draw [drɔ:] N

2. draw (drawn contest):

3. draw (drawing lots):

4. draw (drawing gun):

poteg m

5. draw (inhalation):

vdih m

II . draw <drew, drawn> [drɔ:] VB trans

1. draw (make a picture):

risati [perf narisati]
I draw the line there fig

2. draw (depict):

5. draw (involve in):

8. draw (pull out):

10. draw CARDS:

vleči [perf potegniti]

11. draw (earn, get from source):

dobivati [perf dobiti]

14. draw FIN:

izdajati [perf izdati]

15. draw (inhale):

to draw breath fig

17. draw SPORTS:

napenjati [perf napeti]

18. draw HISTORY:

III . draw <drew, drawn> [drɔ:] VB intr

1. draw (make pictures):

risati [perf narisati]

3. draw (approach [in time]):

5. draw (draw lots):

II . drip <-pp-> [drɪp] VB trans

III . drip [drɪp] N

1. drip no pl (act of dripping):

2. drip (drop):

4. drip pej sl (foolish person):

reva f

I . drop [drɒp] N

5. drop inf (drink):

srk m

6. drop (boiled sweet):

7. drop (collection point):

II . drop <-pp-> [drɒp] VB trans

2. drop (lower):

3. drop inf (send):

4. drop (dismiss):

6. drop (abandon):

to drop sb fig

7. drop SPORTS:

8. drop (leave out):

to drop one's aitches [or h's] Brit Aus

9. drop inf (tell indirectly):

to drop [sb] a hint
to let it drop that ...

III . drop <-pp-> [drɒp] VB intr

2. drop (become lower):

padati [perf pasti]

3. drop (become exhausted):

drop inf
inf to be fit [or ready] to drop
drop dead! inf

I . drug [drʌg] N

1. drug (medicine):

2. drug (narcotic):

mamilo n
droga f

II . drug <-gg-> [drʌg] VB trans

1. drug MED (sedate):

2. drug (secretly):

dram [dræm] N Scot

drew [dru:] VB

drew pt of draw:

See also draw up , draw out , draw on , draw off , draw in , draw aside , draw

II . draw up VB intr

draw car, train:

I . draw out VB trans

1. draw (prolong):

2. draw (pull out sth):

3. draw FIN (withdraw):

4. draw (persuade to talk):

II . draw out VB intr

1. draw (depart):

2. draw (lengthen):

I . draw on VB trans

II . draw on VB intr

1. draw (pass slowly):

as time drew on, ...
ko je čas mineval, ...

2. draw form (approach [in time]):

draw off VB trans

1. draw liquid:

odlivati [perf odliti]

2. draw gloves:

snemati [perf sneti]

I . draw in VB intr

1. draw (arrive and stop):

2. draw (shorten):

II . draw in VB trans

1. draw (involve):

vpletati [perf vplesti]

2. draw (inhale):

draw aside VB trans to draw sb aside

I . draw [drɔ:] N

2. draw (drawn contest):

3. draw (drawing lots):

4. draw (drawing gun):

poteg m

5. draw (inhalation):

vdih m

II . draw <drew, drawn> [drɔ:] VB trans

1. draw (make a picture):

risati [perf narisati]
I draw the line there fig

2. draw (depict):

5. draw (involve in):

8. draw (pull out):

10. draw CARDS:

vleči [perf potegniti]

11. draw (earn, get from source):

dobivati [perf dobiti]

14. draw FIN:

izdajati [perf izdati]

15. draw (inhale):

to draw breath fig

17. draw SPORTS:

napenjati [perf napeti]

18. draw HISTORY:

III . draw <drew, drawn> [drɔ:] VB intr

1. draw (make pictures):

risati [perf narisati]

3. draw (approach [in time]):

5. draw (draw lots):

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