missing in the PONS Dictionary

Translations for missing in the English»Serbian Dictionary

mis·sing ['mɪsɪŋ] ADJ

I.miss2 <pl -es> [mɪs] N

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missing Examples from the PONS Dictionary (editorially verified)

to go missing Brit, Aus money, person
to report sb/sth missing
missing in action
to go missing

Monolingual examples (not verified by PONS Editors)

Even though they have the money to pay the employees' paychecks, money still goes missing, but they have worse problems.
The original paintwork was in good condition, but a large area depicting the volcano and the cities - about a fifth of the whole - was missing.
Holder notices that the ring finger of the victim is missing.
It heals all wounds acquired by its host, replacing the missing tissue and organs with their own bodies as well as reattaching limbs.
These missing representations are then labeled the spin representations, and their constituents "spinors".
On the coastal dunes in front is missing, the sparzio pungent, the euphorbia sea, the calcatreppola, fennel thorny grass and sand.
Following the death of his father he was granted compassionate leave by the club, missing one game.
It looks like city hall was a law breaker when it made a public pitch for the return of a missing parking ticket maker.
The legs of what is possibly the foremost segments are either missing or not preserved.
All that's missing are the treble clef, notes, and rests.

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