sweat over in the Oxford-Paravia Italian Dictionary

Translations for sweat over in the English»Italian Dictionary

I.sweat [Brit swɛt, Am swɛt] N

III.sweat [Brit swɛt, Am swɛt] VB trans

I.over [Brit ˈəʊvə, Am ˈoʊvər] PREP Over is used after many verbs in English (change over, fall over, lean over etc.): for translations, consult the appropriate verb entry (change, fall, lean etc.). - Over is often used with another preposition in English (to, in, on) without altering the meaning. In this case over is usually not translated in Italian: to be over in France = essere in Francia; to swim over to somebody = nuotare verso qualcuno. - Over is often used with nouns in English when talking about superiority (control over, priority over etc.) or when giving the cause of something (concern over, fight over etc.): for translations, consult the appropriate noun entry (control, priority, concern, fight etc.). - Over is often used as a prefix in verb combinations (overeat), adjective combinations (overconfident) and noun combinations (overcoat): these combinations are treated as headwords in the dictionary. - For particular usages see this entry.

II.over [Brit ˈəʊvə, Am ˈoʊvər] ADV

III.over [Brit ˈəʊvə, Am ˈoʊvər] ADJ

IV.over [Brit ˈəʊvə, Am ˈoʊvər] N SPORTS (in cricket)

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Translations for sweat over in the English»Italian Dictionary

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